How to store CALEYA products to maintain their quality?

To preserve the quality of our products, they should be stored in a dry and well-ventilated place, away from direct sunlight. Hay should be protected from humidity and conditions that favour mould. Hay bales must be properly sealed to prevent rust and contamination.

Can I feed my animals only CALEYA?

Although forages are an excellent source of nutrients, the diet must be balanced. Horses also need other concentrated feeds (such as grains or supplements) to meet their specific energy and protein requirements, especially if they are in stages of high production or intense work.

How much CALEYA fodder should I provide my horses with daily?

The amount of CALEYA you need to offer depends on the weight and activity of the animals. As a general rule, it is recommended that horses receive between 1.5% and 2.5% of their body weight in forage per day. Adjust according to the specific needs of each animal.

What are the benefits of including SQUID in my animals’ diet?

Including CALEYA in your horses’ diet offers multiple benefits, such as improved digestive health (reducing problems such as colic and acidosis), a complete nutritional supply, weight control and stable energy, promotion of natural behaviours and improvement in body condition and physical performance.

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